
OfflineHandler (Demo)

Allow your users to use your website while offline easily


  • Installation

Simply import OfflineHandler.min.js into your HTML and download OfflineHandler-sw.min.js at the root of your project.

<script src="https://gitcdn.link/repo/Zenoo/offline-handler/master/OfflineHandler.min.js"></script>    
  • How to use

    • Create a new OfflineHandler object with the ressources to be cached as the first parameter :

      let ajax = new OfflineHandler(['path/to/customFile.js'], ...);
    • Call your URLs with an additional parameter : ?v=1, or without any to get the default version.
      Changing this parameter will create a new cache version.
      Calling your URLs with ?v=no-cache will bypass the cached versions

  • Parameters

     * List of ressources to be cached
     * The current page is always cached, no need to add it here
     * @type {String[]}
    const ressourceList = [

     *  /|\ OPTIONAL /|\
     * Path to the OfflineHandler ServiceWorker file
     * @type {String}
     * @default OfflineHandler-sw.min.js
    const serviceWorkerPath = 'OfflineHandler-sw.min.js';

     *  /|\ OPTIONAL /|\
     * Name of the URL parameter that holds the version of the files
     * @type {String}
     * @default v
    const versionParameter = 'v';

     *  /|\ OPTIONAL /|\
     * Should the old cached versions be deleted when a new one is created ?
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @default false
    const clearOldCache = false;

     *  /|\ OPTIONAL /|\
     * Should external requests be cached ?
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @default false
    const cacheExternalRequests = false;

    new OfflineHandler(ressourceList, serviceWorkerPath, versionParameter, clearOldCache, cacheExternalRequests);
  • Example

See this Github project for a working example.
